NPthese forms onlyused as Interj or sent advfixed WO
used to express a sarcastic attitude, disdain etc toward sth. : big deal!
(in limited contexts) as if it matteredas if it could make (all) that much (of a) difference.
Следующий сюрприз ждал Куницера в гардеробе собственного института. Новый гардеробщик прищуренным чекистским взглядом смотрел на него... Да ладно, большое дело - новый гардеробщик! Отдал пальто, получил номерок, отдал номерок, взял пальто, вот и все отношения (Аксёнов 6). The next surprise awaited Kunitser in the cloakroom of his own institute. A new attendant was looking at him with the frowning stare of a KGB oficer... OK, big deal! A new cloakroom attendant! He handed in his coat, got a tag, gave in his tag and got his coat back-that was the sum of his dealings with the man (6a).

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